Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fetal Assessment

On the 20th of Feb we had an appointment at the fetal assessment clinic at Kings bury Hospital. I had to go for this to make sure that everything with the baby was OK. With diabetes, if it has not been well controlled there is the risk of heart deformities and Spina bifada. So as you can imagine this was incredibly nerve racking. The only exciting part was that we would hopefully have the gender confirmed. We got there early and I had packed in treats and things to keep Emily occupied for the duration of the scan. Leon had taken the morning off work so that we could share this exciting/ scary moment together. Unfortunately though, the woman doing the scan was totally miserable and would not allow Emily to come in with us - which meant Leon had to wait in the waiting room. So just a tip to anyone going to Kings bury for fetal assessment - get a babysitter. They are not flexible and will make your partner wait outside! (And I do hope that someone from their department reads this at some point!!) Anyway, thankfully I at least managed to persuade her to call Leon in for the moment that she was going to tell us what we were having. I really didn't want to experience that moment with out my husband!
After about 45 minutes - she had thoroughly examined the baby and had assured me that everything looked normal - she called Leon in. She then showed us that we are in fact having another GIRL!!! Woohoo! I was so excited! Emily would have a little sister - Another little pink princess! A sister to share a wonderful friendship with. My dream for them is that they grow up the best of friends, sharing and doing everything together. 

Tomorrow I am off to the diabetic specialist at Constantia berg. He will assess my sugar and decide whether I need to go on medication or insulin. So feeling a little nervous but will be glad to finally know where I stand and to possibly have some help controlling my sugar. Will update you all tomorrow.


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