Friday, May 27, 2011

Parenting - privilege? or right?

I have found myself deeply challenged by this thing called 'parenting' lately. Well... that's not entirely true, If you are a parent you will know that from day one, there are challenges. Big or small, there are challenges! The difference I am finding with the challenges that  I am facing at the moment, is that there are no quick answers. There's no "how to" guide, and as much as I can ask advice from people around me - be it brilliant advice for sure, there is no clear cut solution at the moment!  I say 'at the moment' intentionally, because I do believe that I we will get to the bottom of this. 
For some of you that don't interact with us on a daily basis you are wondering what on earth I am talking about. I know. Sorry, I am probably not making much sense. Basically what I am talking about is the challenge of raising my child to be  a whole and well adjusted person who is able to stand confidently in the world being 100% assured of the fact that she is loved and cherished by the people in her life. But at the same time knowing her place and having boundaries that she knows not to cross and understands why she shouldn't cross them. Teaching her that it is OK to have feelings and an opinion but to know how to process those feelings and opinions without being plain rude or obnoxious! And in doing all of this, making sure that in the process, we don't damage or break pieces away from her little personality.
OK, so I know that this probably all sounds way to deep and yes, I know she is only 2. Well very nearly 3!
I am just so aware of how easy it is to do this wrong. So often we take the 'privilege' of parenting for granted and we think we can do what we like with it. Or sometimes we just don't bother to give it enough effort. 
As Emily is slowly getting bigger, I am seeing that these things need to start being implemented sooner rather than later. She is becoming her own little individual person already and is needing so much guidance - for her own sake. The world around them moves so fast and I often find myself forgetting that I don't just have a child in my care, I have a whole person in my care, with needs and feelings and fears. A person that is relying on me to help them grow through all these things. The responsibility is huge, and we need to not forget that.
So to those of you that walk this road closely with us - Thank you for all your love and support and your much needed advice. Thank you for supporting us as we try and do this the right way for our little (BIG) Emily, and thank you for seeing that  she is an individual and  for not expecting her to fit into a mould.  And thank you for supporting us as we try to mould and shape her into her own special and unique 'shape' :)  ....which she would probably tell you is an orange triiiiiiiiaaangggle!!!!  :D Just one of her favorite shape/color combinations.

As I am writing this, the little one in my tummy is doing her morning work out... in between hiccups. She is getting so big now, I can feel her rapid growth every day by the weight of my protruding bulge. Not long now and we can meet her. The latest update from the doc is that she weighs 2,2 kgs, judging by her measurements she is NOT looking like a diabetic baby, which is a totally awesome relief! And spoke with my diabetic specialist on Tuesday and he is 100% happy with all my blood sugar readings and blood results and is confident that all is looking good! Wished me all the best for the rest of my pregnancy - which is a big YAY, because it means that I don't have to see him anymore! Unless my daily readings suddenly change, in which case I will need to contact him. I believe they wont though, especially because I am beyond the 30 week mark where sugar levels would normally go crazy again.

So that's where I am for now. If it was all too intense... Take into account it was 4:30 in the morning when I started writing this... and I am hormonal! ;)

Photo taken by Bernice Griffiths.

it's a privilege, not a right.... but we do need to do our best to do it right....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Grey days...

These Grey days just don't do it for me. I am talking literally, not figuratively! Winter is officially 2 weeks away, yet it feels like we've been in the grips of winter for a month already. I don't mind the cooler mornings and the crisp fresh air that leaves the tip of your nose feeling blue and frozen. I also don't mind that there is no wind for most of the time - that is a welcome relief for sure! I do mind the Grey skies though! I cant stand that my house remains dark the whole day and there are very few moments where the light streams in through the windows. Its so sad, makes me want to spend the day in bed with a book and just pretend the day is actually night! BUT, we all know that with a two year old, (or any child for that matter), its just not possible!!! 

It is Emily's second day at school this morning. It is so cute to see how she gets so excited about it! I hope that it stays like that for her entire school career and that the novelty never wears off! Its amazing the things I can get her to do in the morning while getting her ready for school. Its like she transforms into a 'big, big' girl and the baby in her gets totally put away. The dummy gets put in the draw, the nappy comes off and goes into the bin and she starts to display more independence than she normally does! We get to the class room and its like I become invisible. Whether I am still there or not is totally irrelevant to her and the only reason she gives me kisses goodbye is to console me - not her! Crazy I tell you!
Its quite something to get my head around having some free time to myself in the mornings. Its kind of the a situation where there is so much that I want to do, I also don't want to do anything.I want to savor the time and and make it last as long as possible! And then there is the scary realization that there are only about 6 weeks of this 'me time' before this tummy princess is out and then I go back to having to wait more or less another 2 YEARS before I get me time in the mornings again! I really didn't think this age gap through very well did I! LOL, no turning back now and I am so excited about meeting this little one! Just wish that we could decide on a name already!!!! I Some how don't expect that we will until shes out in our arms! And even then, I have a feeling it might take a couple of days! sigh!

I hope that you all have a brilliant day and that the weather isn't too Grey where ever you are! I think that I will be spending the rest of my FREE morning, catching up on some scrap booking... maybe!
