Monday, March 21, 2011

Time out

I thought that I would take this opportunity to do a post while Leon and Emily are in the garage busy building a fire engine! I never take for granted these few moments of peace and quiet and I love the fact that they are having some special dad-daughter bonding time.
Friday was the day that I had to go and see the diabetic specialist and I am so glad that it is over and done with. I was so stressed out by Friday morning anticipating this appointment that I could hardly think straight. Every time anyone instant messaged me I wanted to throw my phone at them - except I couldn't... because they weren't in the room! duh! Eventually the time came and I could actually get this over and done with. 
Went through the run down of my diabetic history with the doc and answered all the questions I feel like Ive answered so many times already through this pregnancy. 
He decided that my sugar has gone a little out of control cause of increased hormones and has put me on a small dose of Metform to try and curb the sugar swings. I am happy to be on medication while at the same time it stresses me out a little cause I was very determined to managed my sugar with diet alone - but in the end it boils down to whats best for baby and I guess this is it. So I will be on this for the next couple of weeks and hopefully it works. If not then I will be going on to insulin for the remainder of the pregnancy. So I REALLY hope it works!

So that's my sugar update. Its been a nice long weekend this weekend and Ive enjoyed the relaxation. Emily learn't to swim on sat in a "BIG" pool - with her armbands on - but still. She can now actually move around the pool independantly and we have so much better peace of mind.

So until next time, have a brilliant Monday everyone!

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