Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pregnant and "toddlerness"

For anyone that's ever been pregnant a second, third or fourth time round - you will know this one well! The first time, whether you are employed full time outside the home, newly married or any other circumstance you might find yourself in - no matter what - You have endless hours to sit and day dream and plan about the little person growing inside you. Its fantastic! Almost every moment of everyday is spent planning and thinking. By 3 months into your pregnancy you've probably thought everything though so thoroughly that you have nothing left to think for the rest of the pregnancy! hahaha
Second time round - It is sooooo different! From the moment you find out you are pregnant - you already know that your time and thoughts are not your own like they were.  Life goes on as normal and your toddler probably cares two hoots whether you have energy to cook them their favorite dinner, spend the later part of the afternoon picking all the toys up off the floor that they spent all of like 10 minutes scattering. They really don't see how hanging off the other side of the see-saw at the park so that they can go up and down, could be a problem and just bleat out, "more please mommy, more." Then finally when your tummy starts to grow they start to grasp the concept - Sort of! If your toddler is anything like mine, you'll know there are times that they find the thought of a baby in mommy's tummy totally annoying and think that its perfectly fine to just "take the baby out, place it on the coffee table or floor" and tell you to, "come on, baby's sleeping on the floor now." Everyday you find yourself thinking of new ways to get through the day and you are kept on your toes trying to balance the bouncy energy of your toddler, and the total lack of energy you find happening in your body. By the time the evening comes and  that delightful monkey whirlwind of yours has finally gone to sleep you can finally breathe! AND... that's when the little one in your belly decides to play and bounce on your bladder! I often find myself in these moments suddenly remembering about the pregnancy and taking those few moments to enjoy the bumps and squirms of monkey number two! 
Don't get me wrong - my darling Emily is delightful and I enjoy her to the utmost! She has the most incredible sense of humor and loves to spend her days making me and the people around her smile. (That's for the most part and in between the tantrums). She is growing into her own person more and more everyday and is developing her own opinions and ideas. It is always an adventure with her! I know that when this baby is born she is going to be so excited and she is going to love this little one so much! I'm looking so forward to the day they can play together and Emily can show her sibling all her favorite 'big sister' things and they will hopefully grow up to be the best of friends!
Caught the Rooster all by herself!