This week is the official start of my 7th month. Time has gone so fast with this pregnancy and I am slowly starting to realize that this baby will be here soon soon! Last week was a very stressful week as my hospital plans got changed without me being able to do much about it. What was meant to happen at False Bay Hospital as a semi private C-section, then changed and I was told that I could not have it there and it had to be at Groote Schuur Hospital as they are the only government hospital that specialize in Diabetic Deliveries. My wonderful, caring husband then decided that no, I will be having the baby at Constantia berg Medi Clinic. So as you can imagine, with all this happening and all the hormones raging in my body, I didn't do very well last week, hence the silence. So sorry to all my eager readers :)
With the new hospital plans and the realization settling in that I am having another baby and this time it will go smoothly, I have started to think more about all the little preparation things that I need to do.Things like actually book my hospital bed... would be a good start. I have finally managed to get the baby's cupboard and chest of draws sorted out and its all neat and ready. Well, it will probably all need to be washed again before the baby is born, but that is something that I think that I can handle.
As for Emily this week.... I think there is something in the air making her slightly crazy! For a child that is normally fairly chilled- ish, and who normally listens pretty well, something is blocking her ability to listen and hear this week and I think that I am going to go crazzzzzyyyyyy! I don't think that I have EVER repeated myself soooo many times in a day before and am starting to detest the sound of my own voice! What was very entertaining this afternoon though, was Emily was being rude and cheeky and having a tantrum, so instead of talking to her a thousand times I decided instead of wasting my breathe I would just take her straight to her room and put her on her bed to sit there until she had calmed down. Every time I walked away, she got off her bed and ran behind me screaming. I would then turn around and put her back on her bed. Saying nothing. She was so annoyed by the fact that I wasn't talking to her that eventually she was pleading, "talk to me mommy, please talk to me." My plan had worked!!! I won! She soon realized that her behavior was not going to be rewarded with endless negotiating and debating. If she wasn't going to listen I was going to ignore her until she did! and it worked! She quickly calmed down and apologized. And the house went back to peace.... for a little while anyway!
So I think that this is how I will be trying it for a while! .. mainly because I am running out of words! Please don't get me wrong, we so do believe in hidings!! I just don't think that everything deserves a hiding because they become numb to it and eventually the hidings stop working! ...besides, hidings from dad always seem to work a little better!! ;)
There you have it, that's my story for now! Sorry if it wasn't very exciting but I'm tired and going to be going to get some sleep! well between the hot flushes (if you can call them that), the toilet trips, the bouncy baby in my tummy, the slight carpel tunnel syndrome I have in my wrists at the moment, and all the strange pregnancy dreams! Not exactly peace and tranquility if you ask me!?
Anyway, night everyone!
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